Customising Invoices
We get a lot of queries from our clients about customising their invoices. Each product is different in how you approach this. Here is a brief short cut for each of the platforms we support. We're certainly not graphic designers, but we can help you out if you need a hand!
For Reckon Accounts: head to "Lists" > "Templates" and select the invoice template you wish to update. Then hit the button "Templates" > "Edit Template" and utilise the "Layout Designer".
For QuickBooks Online: head to the cog in the top right corner > "Custom Form Styles" and hit the button in the top right "New Style". You can then adjust you style, colours, layout to your hearts content.
For MYOB: select the header "Setup" > "Customise Forms" > "Invoices".
For Xero: head to "Settings" > "General Settings" > "Invoice Settings" and then download the custom .docx file. You open this file in Microsoft Word and can make all the changes you wish.
And if you still struggle, give us a call on (07) 4795 1181 and we'll happily help out where we can!